Lunch'n Learns to Grow Your Network

It has been said that your network is your net worth!

I think that is only partially true. Just knowing a lot of people doesn't mean they are all going to be your raving fans, referring their friends and family to you. At the end of the day, business (and life) is all about relationships. Your ability to build and maintain meaningful, lasting relationships is what's ultimately going to propel your business.

Lunch'n learns - if used the right way - are an amazing way to build quality relationships and expand your network - while learning from each other.

The #1 mistake people make with lunch'n learns is making it all about 'building a referral partnership.' In other words, it's not really about the actual relationship but what they're hoping to get out of it.

So how do we do it better?

In the World-Class Agent community, the purpose of the lunch'n learn is to meet new people, have a great and meaningful conversation, and if values and visions align, to start investing into that relationships and build real friendships.

There are 4 DISC Personality Styles:

  • What are you excited about right now? (great icebreaker question)

  • How long have you been in (their profession/business)? And what did you do before that?

  • What made you decide to go into .... or start your own business?

  • What’s the greatest lesson you have learned so far?

  • Who are some of the most interesting or coolest people you have ever met?

  • Who (or what) has shaped your life the most?

  • If you had to start over, knowing what you know now, what’s the one thing you’d never do again?

  • So ... what’s the next level for you? (ambition-probing question)

=> Don’t be afraid to dig deeper:

Tell me more!

What does that mean?

You mind me asking why?

When finished, pick up the bill, and follow up with a handwritten Thank You note.

“John, just a quick note to thank you for your time and the great conversation. You inspire me! If there’s anything at all I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out! - Alina”

That's it! Remember, World-Class Agents™ do not chase. World-Class Agents™ lead. Let's make a lasting impression. You are on the path to true greatness.

The BEST is yet to come!

Alina Schumacher

Alina Schumacher

Alina Schumacher is a Certified High-Performance Coach™, host of The Alina Show PODCAST, founder of World-Class Agent Academy, and the author of How To Get Listings & Dominate Your Market ... Even if Nobody's Ever Heard of You! She helps driven Real Estate Professionals all over North America become world-class, build a 6-7 figure fully referral-based business, and reach the TOP 1% - extremely FAST - using her proven 4-stage Market Domination Plan.

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