Who Is Alina?

Here Are a Few Milestones...

“Having been born in the former Soviet Union, and having spent many years living in Germany, I would have never dreamed that my journey would one day lead me to settle in Canada. My husband and I were happily married and our dream was to homeschool our 3 children, which was the primary reason we had decided to uproot and start from scratch. It meant learning another new language, understanding a new culture, making a new home, new friends, new jobs, and new opportunities.

It was a huge step out of our comfort zone that meant giving up everything familiar, but we ventured into it. It wasn’t easy, but we were determined to make it work, and going back was never an option.

The opportunity to go into real estate presented itself within 6 months of moving to Canada, and you can probably imagine the language barrier that I struggled with.

I was very naive, like most aspiring new agents, talking about how much I enjoyed looking at homes and how I would just love showing people houses.

Well, showing homes is only a small percentage of the daily activities of a REALTOR®, and I learned that lesson the hard way. So there I was ... young and inexperienced but extremely eager.

Word spread, and people referred to me as 'that German Immigrant girl who just started in real estate’. And what could she possibly have to offer at her age, lack of connections and experience, and poor English skills?

I knew that if I wanted to get anywhere with this new profession of mine, I would need to figure out how to find buyers and sellers. The terms “qualified buyer” and “motivated seller” entered the stage much later.

Meanwhile, I was burning my very limited energy, doing what I saw other agents do. I held open houses, cold-called FSBO's (pretending I had a 'buyer'), I tried to figure out what to say and how to say it to sound clever, I worked most evenings and weekends ... chasing people who didn’t know what they wanted, arriving home exhausted ... to see my beautiful babies and my very frazzled husband along with piles of laundry and a sink full of dishes.

I remember presenting my very first offer, feeling like a deer in headlights.

There was so much to learn. More times than I could count, I remember having conversations with clients, not understanding many of the words they were using, trying so hard to catch on, and not letting them notice.

When I finally got back home, I would try to look up words in the dictionary (if I could figure out their spelling), write them down in a notebook, memorize them, and try to incorporate them into my daily vocabulary. I still have a long way to go...

We’re all on a journey, aren’t we?

In my second full year in real estate, I became the #1 local agent in my marketplace and made it to the top 3% of all real estate agents province-wide!

Shortly after, I worked myself up to the top 1% of the, then, 1600+ agents on our real estate board and ... I've held that rank for many years and for as long as I've been actively selling real estate.

Has it been easy? Definitely, not! Although I did many things right, I did so many things wrong, making a painful amount of unnecessary and totally avoidable mistakes that, sadly, came with a huge price tag. I suppose that is what they call the school of Hard Knocks. I know it so well that I bet I'd make a pretty decent tour guide. Had I only known then what I know now.

Over the years, I've had the privilege of passing on many of the lessons I learned from the trenches, teaching new agents how to do it right.

Many more continue to ask how I was able to create such tremendous success so quickly, especially given my circumstances and limitations, while the average agent in North America struggles to sell about 5 homes per year.

The answer to that question has become my life's work.

Alina Schumacher

"Don't Collect Stuff, Collect Memories"


... The "Unofficial" Bio

I ADORE my family!! I am head-over-heels in love with my husband of 29+ years, my 3 wonderful children, and ... 4 adorable and ... oh so smart grand-babies! We are so blessed to live in Canada and enjoy our beautiful country property ... with large vegetable gardens, happy chickens, and wide prairie skies that offer the most glorious and breathtaking sunsets!

I also love yoga ... I love to cook and bake real food from scratch ... I love books ... I love Laura Ashley-style decor ... and I absolutely LOVE to write! And, of course, I love to travel, enjoy long beach walks with my hubby (Cancun at 7 am is my favourite) ... hiking in the Tucson mountains. The desert, in general, is my happy place where I recharge. I'm also really good at run-on sentences. Oh, and watching people play golf and telling them how to get better - because I'm a much better caddy and coach than player. 😉

Life is such a gift, and I believe that it's not about what you get from this world but what you bring into it, and my greatest joy is to share with people the gifts I've been blessed with.

A Stroll Down Memory Lane

Back in the early days of my #realtorlife people would often ask ... "Are you related to the race car driver, Michael Schumacher?"

I don't know that I am, but I figured if this is a conversation starter and something so many people seem to wonder about ... I might as well use that! I started using the slogan, "With Alina Schumacher you're not just in the race - you win the race!" as a sort of USP. It was a little wordy, and when I started my own brokerage at the end of 2008, we shortened it to Driven to Finish ... and the Schumacher Realty brand was born.

The real estate business is all about speed, precision and winning. And that's what our brand represented. When our properties sold, we didn't put up a SOLD sign ... we put up a FINISHED sign. It wasn't perfect, but I loved our brand, and I think, our community did, too.

PS: Kind of surreal to think that these pictures (yes, totally photoshopped) were taken almost 16 years ago. Crazy times! Back then, I had to pay my graphic designer $500 - $1,000 to create an image like the one with the Enzo. How much easier and more accessible things are today!

Our mayor at the time along with his foursome. Always a good time! That particular year for was windy, we had to put our stand under the pergola!

So many pictures I could post that depict the uniqueness of our brand. Let's just say we had a lot of fun with it! It represented world-class, high performance real estate service.

Super fun dress-up contest at a golf tourney we used to title-sponsor for a few years! This is the one I'm writing about in my book. It was a huge success!

SR Office

Our office space wasn't huge but it was the perfect location for me. When we took over the lease from the previous tenant, the community library, it needed a LOT of love. Man, I remember painting the walls! Andy and I were trying to paint over one of the murals ... it was a picture of Noah's Ark ... and 7 coats later, the eyes of the animals would still keep popping through! We managed to cover them eventually! I wanted everything to be of the best quality, so I hired one of my clients, a French immigrant and a master woodworker, to custom build all our furniture. It cost me over $26,000 back then but it sure was worth it. It was solid, timeless and beautiful.

My favourite time to be at the office was at 7am in the morning. The morning sun would light up the space in the most glorious way, I'd have a fresh pot of coffee on ... and Wilson Phillips "Hold On". ... Talk about getting things done!

When we immigrated to Canada, our children we still little. Marie, my youngest, was only 3 years old! What I would give to get those times back. Have you ever felt this way? At the time of this writing, she's already been married for almost 5 years. How time flies.

All three of our children worked at the office during the summer as part of their homeschooling experience, and ... whenever needed throughout the rest of the year. You know how family business goes.

My son, Ben, started doing real estate photography and videography for us when he was 15, and started his real estate media business after he graduated from high school. He now runs a very successful company that continues to grow and expand.

My firstborn daughter, Kristina was, especially good with Photoshop and would do image editing and feature sheet creation ... even after she had her first baby. Precious memories.

I've always felt that children need to be involved in every part of our lives so they can stand on their own two feet when they grow up. I love how strong, responsible, creative, hard-working and independent all three of them have become, now that they are adults. Grateful.

SR Team in Cancun For My 40th

I promised my team that on my 40th birthday, I'd take them all to my favorite place in Cancun - and I did. We had such an awesome time together and I will never forget the memories we made. Ben and I filmed and put this little video together back in 2016 - hope you enjoy!

The Circle of Love Gala

If you've had a chance to read my book, this is the event I hosted in support of our local mission and describe in the book ...

It's kind of a crazy story how it started, but the first year we put this together was on Valentine's Day in 2011.

We had just over 220 people attend and it was so successful that we decided to turn it into an annual gala - our effort to not only raise funds for a very worthy cause, but even more importantly, help people understand the real causes of homelessness and how most of the initiatives out there are actually toxic, and instead of helping people off the street, end up keeping them there.

I'm very passionate about the topic because I've seen what real charity can do, and how real people, who have lived on the street, have been able to transition back, to what we would call "normal" life, and integrate back into society.

In fact, one of my greatest inspirations is my dear friend, Judy Richichi. Her story is absolutely mindblowing, and if you'd like to learn more, she's written a book on her life experiences (on Amazon, By the Grace of God We Go) that I'd highly recommend.

When she would tell her story at our event, people would literally be in tears, moved with compassion and a renewed desire to help make change happen. It's easy to point at people and wonder, why they don't just 'get a job' and live like normal people. But when you open your heart and genuinely want to understand ... you will. Obviously there are exceptions to everything and I am not condoning or excusing anyone's unacceptable behaviour. I think you understand.

Some of the Mentors & Inspirations in My Life

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