Is Your Brokerage Still Right For You?

One of the very first things I do, when I start working with a new coaching client, is to take them through a somewhat soul-searching exercise to get 100% clear on whether or not their current brokerage is indeed a right fit for them.


Well ... Before you start building your world-class real estate business, it's important to make sure that the foundation you build on is solid. That foundation starts with the right-fit brokerage.

Pondering the following 11 questions is an incredibly valuable and clarifying exercise - even if you love your current brokerage, managing broker, and fellow agents.

Make sure to answer the questions in writing for future reference.

Going forward, plan to go through this exercise at the end of each year to ensure you stay on the right track.

Evaluating Your Current Brokerage

1. What do you like and appreciate most about your brokerage?

2. What is your biggest challenge or struggle working there?

3. Do you respect your managing broker, and do you trust their leadership and judgement 100%?

4. Do you love what the company stands for, and are you proud to represent it?

5. Does the culture at the office energize you and reflect your beliefs?

6. Do you feel productive when you are at the office and are you able to get things done?

7. On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate the level of gossip and drama at the office?

8. What's the ratio between productive and unproductive agents at your office?

9. Does the office location make sense based on your target market area?

10. If you had a magic wand and you could change just one thing, what would it be?

=> Once you’ve answered the above questions, you’re ready for the mic-drop question.

11. If you could go back and start over again, knowing what you know now ... would you still choose to work at this brokerage?

Here's what usually happens once you go through these questions:

You're either feeling energized and confident ... and more certain than ever that you are, indeed, in the 'right place' ... or you may be feeling uncertain, especially after question #11. But if you were completely honest with yourself, this exercise really just confirmed what you already knew deep inside all along. There is no in-between.

Now, sometimes it's just a conversation ... a heart-to-heart with your broker/team leader to set a higher standard going forward.

Other times, you're going have to make a decision sooner or later, and the longer you wait, to more you're robbing yourself of energy, joy, peace and .... opportunities. Life's too short for that.

=> And if you are the broker ... these 10 questions, reverse-engineered, are the secret to an exceptionally thriving brokerage with loyal and productive agents.

I hope you found this helpful.

Cheering you on,

Alina Schumacher

Alina Schumacher

Alina Schumacher is a Certified High-Performance Coach™, host of The Alina Show PODCAST, founder of World-Class Agent Academy, and the author of How To Get Listings & Dominate Your Market ... Even if Nobody's Ever Heard of You! She helps driven Real Estate Professionals all over North America become world-class, build a 6-7 figure fully referral-based business, and reach the TOP 1% - extremely FAST - using her proven 4-stage Market Domination Plan.

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