How to Get More Referrals

Everybody loves referrals. I mean, actual referrals, not just a sort of ‘warm lead’ that you still have to qualify and nurture. Real referrals are the best kinds of clients to work with because you don’t have to sell yourself and prove why you’re better than the other 2-3 agents they’re also interviewing. You just go and do what you do best!

And yet, of the hundreds and hundreds of agents I’ve talked to over the years, I’ve only met a handful of agents who never had to worry about where their next listing is going to come from ... because they had more referrals than they could actually handle.

One of the most effective ways to grow your referral business is to be highly intentional about building real relationships and growing your network of connections. But just knowing a lot of people doesn’t mean they’re all just going to be sending you business.

People, on average, know at least 3 Agents.

And since most people hate conflict, whenever they hear someone in their circle of friends talking about real estate - more often than not - they’d rather not say anything and just ‘let them make their own decision’ … so they're not responsible IF things go wrong … UNLESS

  1. There is a meaningful connection or an actual relationship

  2. And an unshakable confidence in your ability to get the job done better and faster than anyone else on the planet.

=> Nothing is as powerful in your business as THAT kind of relationship.

Here’s what destroys it: Asking for referrals.

In your email signature … on your business card … or when you’re calling your clients and connections ‘just to touch base and see how they’re doing’ and then, at the end of the conversation, slide in the ...“Oh, btw…whom do you know, that’s as awesome as you are and that’s looking to buy or sell in the near future?”

You may get a few introductions that way, but nowhere near as many as you could be getting.


It looks desperate. It cheapens the relationship because ... it's not really about them it's about what you're hoping to get ... and people can tell.

So how do you actually get referrals without asking?

If you're good and there's an actual relationship and an unshakable belief that you are the best, most competent agent on the planet to get the job done ... AND referring you will increase their status in the eyes of the person they referred to you - they will refer you without you having to prompt them! If you're not ... asking just makes it awkward.

So then the real question is, how do you create that kind of belief, expectation, and actual track record in your community and marketplace?

You need the following 3 things dialled in:

1. You need to know your stuff - I mean, really. You must display an exceptional level of competence.

2. You must provide a consistently remarkable experience that gets people talking about you ... so you don't have to.

3. You must stop looking and sounding (and marketing) like 'just another typical real estate agent'. When people see your 'stuff' they will form a value judgement. And as you already know, you never get a second chance to make a great first impression! Your brand and marketing message should literally cause people to stop the scroll, feel intrigued, and think ..."Hmmm ... that's different! I love this!" ... and then, take them to your website to learn more. Your website then should do the conversion for you.

=> This is huge and missed by literally 99.99% of all agents.

Once these three things are dialed in, you're ready to drive some traffic and make yourself 'findable' ... in fact, OMNI present in your marketplace - via organic and paid strategies with the focus of adding value to people and building real relationships.

This works faster than AI ... and whatever other shiny objects will continue to come and go ... because nothing and nobody can compete with a real relationship and a world-class professional who actually knows their 'stuff'.

Very few agents out there that operate like that ... I hope you're one of them!

Alina Schumacher

Alina Schumacher

Alina Schumacher is a Certified High-Performance Coach™, host of The Alina Show PODCAST, founder of World-Class Agent Academy, and the author of How To Get Listings & Dominate Your Market ... Even if Nobody's Ever Heard of You! She helps driven Real Estate Professionals all over North America become world-class, build a 6-7 figure fully referral-based business, and reach the TOP 1% - extremely FAST - using her proven 4-stage Market Domination Plan.

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